Wednesday, July 3, 2013

As the Rain Falls

As the rain falls I see nothing holding me back from the inevitable. The pain, the anguish really, could be absent if I just go through with it. The solemn whisper echoes faintly in my mind. To do it would be a travesty but not to do it could be a complete disaster. It's overwhelming really. Like waves from the ocean the rain was collected and I am engulfed. I am tossed around like a broken child's toy forgotten in the water. That is exactly what this feels like. Broken. The rain is supposed to cleanse and wash away the toxins of the earth. However, nothing can wash away my toxins, my inside feelings of torment, pain and anguish. Nothing. It feels less than a minute ago I was secreting exuberance from every pore. But now, its much more of a memory than a real thing. Rain and the dark storm clouds are now my only friend.

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