Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When i think about it....

When I think about him, I get angry. I start getting upset and angry about everything and the situation. I can't retrace the steps I've taken but I'm immorally making decisions based on a man. No income and I smoke weed. How dare someone have the right to deny me what is owed to me. This man, I think about, I've thought about everytime I'm away. I yearned for and then he never gave me the respect I deserved. I'm always wrong, he's always right. He takes his moms side after calling me a whore. I mean how much can a girl take? She is so wrapped up in a guy that gives two fucks less about the girl. I'm done I quit echoes through her head. She looks at him and his appalling appearance stands out and embarasses her... she no longer seeks to be with said man but where is ? She is dependent and she knows it, hates to admit it but, true, nonetheless.

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