Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Relationship Suicide

Ya know, it's hard being in a relationship. Whenever you are striving for attention, not receiving it and then you start thinking about plan b's and such. When faced with this predicament most will brush it off their shoulders; however, if you are like the few you start thinking double time on back roads and alleyways you could take to get behind your problem. Faced with this problem daily you may even begin to think morbidly and want to kill yourself. As I stare down this road, a long, one-laned road, I see no dead-end, no turning around. I see helplessness and hopelessness in my future. There are no forks in the road for decisions; there are no stops signs or curves-- there is only destruction. I start devouring myself like a bear waking up from hibernation. My lungs start freezing up, closing. My heart stops beating and starts killing my brain. My brain stops thinking and shuts down-- I am asleep, finally. The pain stops and my world has found it's ease... Finally...

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