Saturday, March 16, 2013

Constant musings of a Wretched Soul

I never used to want someone the way I wanted him but its more or less a struggle each day. A struggle to be seen against his long nights away and his recent website visits. He makes out to be the sweetest guy, but, just as I suspected he's like the rest. He doesn't feel like I feel. He doesn't see things the way I do. He looks past the little things. Abusive without being abusive. Abusive without trying to be. The abuse is self inflicted but nonetheless still from him. He sees past the hurt and ignores the hidden meaning behind "I'm fine." He seems to believe he is completely in the right and he is completely in the wrong. I understand somethings just happen and they are mistakes but the harm that's self inflicted has more meaning than the I'm sorries and the I love yous. Sometimes all you have left is those scars to remind you of what you don't want or what you don't need. Sometimes they tell more stories than the words uttered in conversation.

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