Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Way You Are.

Early morning breaks. You are resting for a long day ahead. I am awake, as usual. When your awake we smile, we laugh, we cry, we are one. We are always apart regardless if were together. Your touch seems awkward, hesitant. You smile seems broken, more of a smirk. You have an expression that could break glass. You scream and shake your fists. You get irritated easily your smirk now a frown. I fear this. I fear my car will break down on this road. You have turns and twists that I'm not familiar with. A distraction makes me fall weak. I am tossed and turned upside down. I've flipped my car on this ride I thought would be easy sailing. I have failed to make it to your softer side. You aren't what I assumed in the beginning. Your a stranger that I don't recognize anymore, your faces are unfamiliar to me... you aren't what I assumed. You aren't what I thought was going to be my escape. But, you've turned into how my other roads have been. Long, twisted and leaving me broken and in a mangled heap. The clouds fall over me and I fail to be all I can. I prefer to die than stay here. The thunder echoes my heartbeat. My heart beats one last time and I realise all along you were always this way. This is who you are.

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